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写字楼名称: 大连西路办公楼  所在位置: 虹口区>>大连西路东体育会路口  
登记时间: 2009/2/5 12:15:06  信息类别: 出租  
写字楼价格: 3  出租面积: 1882
所属商圈:   物业级别:  

本大厦有空置的4层办公楼面出租。本大厦是一座现代化大楼,全新装修,设施齐全。在虹口足球场附近,位于大连西路上,距鲁迅公园几步之遥,周围餐饮乐业发达。附近有地铁8号线和3号线(5分钟步行路程),还有937、222、857、70等好几十路公共汽车,交通十分便捷。物业管理齐全,为商家提供一流的服务。是企业领袖睿智精明之选择! 详情如下,如您有兴趣,我们欢迎您随时电话咨询! 联系人: 朱小姐 M-137-6464-7114 4 vacant floors to lease in modern building that is newly-renovated and well-equipped. Situated in an exciting neighborhood flourishing with restaurants, shopping malls and parks. Located on the West DaLian Road, near Hongkou Football Stadium and LuXun Park. Traffic is very convenient with Metro Line 8 and Line 3 (5-minute-walk to the Metro station). Also dozens of bus lines pass through such as Lines 937, 222, 857, and 70). Professional building management team, who will provide excellent service. A great value choice for professional firms and their staff. Please check details as below, and if you are interested in it, you can call us at any time! Contact: Ms. Zhu (M-137-6464-7114 ) • Available: Floors 2 – 5 (and each floor can be leased separately as well) 出租楼层:2楼到5楼(租户可以分别租用其中任何一层) • Size: Floor 2 is 458.16 sqm; Floors 3 – 5 are 355.97 sqm each – total available area is 1882.04 sqm 面积:2楼是458.16平方米;3楼到5楼是355.97平方米每层——总出租面积是1882.04平方米 • Specifications: All Floors - Fully Renovated, Central Air, Meeting Rooms, Bathrooms (Male and Female), Full Networking, Elevator Access / Floor Linkage, 24 Hour Security 详细情况:全装修,配备中央空调、会议室、洗手间(男用和女用的)、宽带上网(如果有兴趣的话,品质良好的办公桌和电脑也可租用)、全天候电梯、24小时保安 • Price: 3 -3.5 RMB per sqm per day 价格:3-3.5元每平米每天 • Lease Term: Negotiable 租用期限:可商议





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